Apex Percussion Drumsticks
One pair of Innovative Percussion FS-5 drumsticks with the Apex Percussion logo.
These drumsticks are great for marching snare drum show music, rudimental drumming, and drumming on a pad. Great for beginners and more advanced drummers.
Round Bead
Length: 17"
Diameter: .720"
Weight (1 pair): .43 lbs
One pair of Innovative Percussion FS-5 drumsticks with the Apex Percussion logo.
These drumsticks are great for marching snare drum show music, rudimental drumming, and drumming on a pad. Great for beginners and more advanced drummers.
Round Bead
Length: 17"
Diameter: .720"
Weight (1 pair): .43 lbs
One pair of Innovative Percussion FS-5 drumsticks with the Apex Percussion logo.
These drumsticks are great for marching snare drum show music, rudimental drumming, and drumming on a pad. Great for beginners and more advanced drummers.
Round Bead
Length: 17"
Diameter: .720"
Weight (1 pair): .43 lbs